About us

What is Commando Kids?

Why choose us?

The average Brit now spends 90% of their time indoors. Children can spend up to 4.5 hours a day on screens. The research is clear. Spending time in nature is a key component to a child’s physical and mental health. It develops resilience, fosters friendships and allows them time and space run, play and learn.

We offer outdoor activities for Kids in Solihull. Get them away from technology, active and learning new skills in a wilderness environment within easy reach of Birmingham and Solihull.

Commando Kids is much more than a Forest school, and certainly more than a boot-camp. Commando Kids is a combination of elite military experience combined with years of teaching to create a varied, fun and engaging outdoor activity programme.

It combines, games, sports, fitness and bush-craft activities to engage young ones outdoors. We allow children space, time and freedom to explore the natural world and give them opportunities to play games, learn skills and encourage a love for the outdoors.

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