1. Create a flower bed together in the garden or plant a fruit tree. 
  2. Take a weekly, daily walk in the woods and let them run free.
  3. Hide and Seek in the woods is a classic and the children love this one. 
  4. Take a camping trip. Kids love camping. It also builds resilience as they have to adapt to living outside. 
  5. Walk barefoot (Of course somewhere safe out of the city, let them feel the earth on their toes)
  6. Geo Cache. This is a great app for kids who love a bit of technology too. Search for local caches in the area. 
  7. Take a picnic to the park after school and enjoy the evening. 

These are just some simple ways to get your child outdoors in nature. Forest schools are great but the main thing is giving your child daily nature time. 


Kahn, P., and S. Kellert. 2002. Children and nature: Psychological, sociocultural and
evolutionary investigations. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Murray, R. 2003. Forest School evaluation project: A study in Wales. Report to the Forestry

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